/ 最新公告 / 教務處 / 吉隆坡臺灣學校110學年度第二學期成人華語文班招生(延長報名)


Chinese Taipei School (KL) 2022 Adult Mandarin Class is opening for admission NOW!!!

對象:招收現居住馬來西亞並對學習華語文有意願者 (不限國籍,18歲以上)
Target: People who currently live in Malaysia and are interested to learn Chinese (No restriction on nationality, 18 years old and above)

日期/ Date: 5/3(Sat), 19/3 (Sat), 2/4 (Sat), 16/4 (Sat), 7/5 (Sat), 21/5 (Sat), 4/6 (Sat), 18/6 (Sat)

時間/ Time:9:10am - 11:00am

方式:以google meet進行線上上課
Method: Class will be held virtually via Google meet

1. 成人華語文班會以正體字(繁體字)進行教學。
2. 本學期預計開設三個級別課程,課程内容包含正音、注音符號教學、特色中華節慶文化、中華小説、散文、詩作等,將依照學員程度及需求討論及設計。
3. 教師將會對報名學員進行分班測試,依華語文程度進行分班。
4. 教師將會依學員程度調整上課方式及授課語言。
Course arrangement:
1. Adult Mandarin Class lessons will be conducted in traditional Chinese characters.
2. Adult Mandarin Class is planned to be divided into three levels. The course content includes teaching of phonics, phonetic symbol (Zhuyin), Chinese culture, Chinese novels, prose, poetry, etc., which will be discussed and designed according to the level and needs of students.
3. A placement test will be conducted for the registered students. The students will be classified according to their Chinese language proficiency level.
4. Teachers will adjust the teaching method and language instruction according to their Chinese language proficiency level.

聯絡方式/Contact: 03-51213100 #302 (教務處/ Academic Affairs Office)

詳細上課資訊,請參閲/ For further information, please click:

報名連結/ Registration:https://forms.gle/TEfMk3b9gusSvUT97

報名截止/ Deadline for Registration: 20/02/2022 (日/Sunday) 12p.m.