23/9復課公告 Open School Notice
由於最近馬来西亞受到烟霾嚴重的影響,導致空氣質量不佳,造成學校停課多天。天災的影響,為人民生活帶來困擾。停課也為家長帶來不便。因此自9月23日開始,本校恢復上課,並視烟霾情況減少户外活动。家長可视孩子身體及烟霾等情况,自行讓孩子待在家。 請家長留意下列事项: 1.學生必须自備至少2副口罩。 2.若孩子又出现發燒,身體不適,或有呼吸道不適的状况(例如:氣喘、咳嗽、流鼻水…等),請帶他去看醫生,並在家休息,依醫師指示用藥。 引起各種不便,學校感謝家長的配合與包涵。 吉隆坡臺灣學校敬上
Dear parents:
Please take note that the school will resume its classes tomorrow, Monday, 23 September 2019, regardless of the current API. As we all know that the current hazy condition remains at a very critical level, it is imperative for all of us to take care and pay close attention to the students’ health. Therefore, it is the decision made by the school that all the outdoor activities to be reduced. Please be rest assured that the school will continue to monitor the current API closely. We understand that some parents may prefer to keep their children at home, but if your children is preferred to attend school, please take note that: 1. it is necessary to bring at least two masks; 2. if a child has fever or suffers from and respiratory sicknesses (eg, asthma, cough, runny nose, etc.), you are advised to visit the doctor, rest at home, and follow the doctor's instructions. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and your attention on the above matter is highly appreciated.
Thank you and regards.
The management of CTS |